Gentle readers: (all four of you) Providence has given me another day of snow filled leisure* (Of course, in the past, this really would be leisure - but now, as grades are due today, and I am home unable to put them into the computer - for whatever asinine reasons - I must work on a fast way to up load the numbers so I can comply with our leaders' deadlines.) [Talk about your fabulous run-on-sentences and rambling thoughts...] I've been up since 4:30am looking for the Taylor County delay or cancellation notices. Finally, after my shower, I got the message from Judy who saw it on TV - delay. After 7, we saw closed on TV. Richard called later to make sure I saw it. Neither of us were called on the snow chain!
The nighttime temps dipped into the single digits, at least on the car thermometer. The snow is accumulating to the tune of 2 inches of sparkling powder. More to sweep. The sun is BRIGHT.
I have read the suggested Blog of the Day and it is very interesting: all tricked out with music, embedded videos- which are really kewl and funny, and a literate writer, who - it appears - is just like "your average educated Joe" somewhere between 'grown-up' and "waiting-for-God" mature -- although that's not exactly how I want to describe the writer (Rick) that's all I've got right now.
But it IS Wednesday; I must get to the work of the day. I hope you all will write so I can get some interesting stuff to tell Grandma and Dad.
Just thought you should know it was 80 here today & I am putting away all of my (3) sweaters until next winter. Hope you're having a great snow day!! :-) xoxo