Wednesday morning:
Bill has already been here with the snowblower. God Bless you, Bill.
Zoey has croup. Tracy has to work and Delia has no school.
I HAVE to get this paperwork finished. for school and Mom...
Stan needs breakfast. I have been eating Tylenol like it's good; it's not!
Nothing like being stuck in one place and the oj has run out...
Somebody - tell me some good news!
Zoey slept rather well last night! That's GOOD!!! My husband is a GOOD man and is going to buy me FHPs on his way home from work. I have an icicle on the back of the house that is longer than 4 FEET now.... Does that beat your weak icicles?! HA!
Keith and Delia got to hang with Naomi and Audrey today, that was good, for a change of Snow Day Pace!