Saturday, April 23, 2011

Life is a highway.

with parts under construction...
Never mind; when the road ends, that's where you are!

The trees are leafing profusely. Green is just popping out - even as I type. Grass, cut last Monday, is lovely, neatly clipped on top, growing longer as we converse, and shows only a few of those yellow-headed dandylions of last week.

I've changed my profile pic on Facebook to a Peony. (Patricia - pink peony. I didn't think pansy was appropriate with my "personality"... don't go there.) I hope the rain stops before the peonies are in bloom. They smell so good and look so good for such a long time, if they are not drowned by the rain. 

Sandy sent me a n Easter Lilly. It was here at the house before I got back from shopping yesterday. The lilly shows 5 blooms now and several for later. But it doesn't have much of a fragrance. Susie sent me a card for Easter. She echoes my thoughts every time she writes. I hope her situation is easier in the coming months. Butch is out of sight; Larry visits more often now.

The rain is intermittent - drizzle, pouring, sun-like, overcast, wet, wet, wet.

Stan is still asleep. I am guessing he doesn't want to wake up. It is now almost 11:30. The mail has come to the box by the road. The rain is lighter. I may as well get the newspaper when I get the mail.
Purple Irises might work. I like them too.

More than likely the poppy gets my vote, too, considering Memorial Day is close at hand. Lots of 'P' flowers in the spring.

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