Sunday, July 18, 2010

5:30PM and rain (heavier now) is falling through the sunshine

Dearest readers,
I am trying to live my best life: I am enjoying the beautiful summer that waits outside the door. But I need a purpose to get moving. So these are my random thoughts as I wait for something else to happen - something that lurks or looms or hovers or waits until conditions are in their proper order to proceed.

These huge drops of rain are falling from the sunshine. Although it was temporarily darker for a moment inside (I've kept the lights off to conserve, of course), this is a true summer shower. It's only 5:30 or so and it's over as fast as it came here. Not the case however, in southern WV and the eastern edge of Ky. I've been watching the weather - floods abound in those deep valleys in the southern mountains.

On Friday, Sandy and Linda gave the flowers a hair cut. Trimmed up the flower boxes, so they wouldn't be so scraggly. Stan got a make-over, too. Now, I would like one - but I will wait to cut this hair until I have to go back to work. Aughhhhhhhh! A month less a few days... (maybe that's it, but I don't think so.)

It's been a typical Sunday: lounging around,  watching the History Channel - same old Shroud of Turin, again, or The Mayan Calender End of Time Theory - or USA character action/detective stories. Took the garbage to the edge of the driveway in my truck! It's so hot (not as hot as Phoenix, of course) but the stuff smells and the bag melts in hand as soon as it is in the truck waiting for its ride to final destination!

Am avoiding paying bills. Must pay bills.(Maybe that's it.) Aughhhhh. Eat a cookie. The lawn looks great. Step outside again - heat blasts. Inside now: Read the paper. Coffee and a cookie. Sleep in the chair. Eat a cookie. Avoid paying bills. Sleep in the chair. Fix lunch. Eat lunch. Make meatballs for supper (to be eaten later tonight). Eat a cookie. Sleep in the chair. Avoid paying bills.  Call home health - Stanley's right big toe is infected. She calls back (Jen) says have a Doctor look at his toe (and his chest x-ray if needed). Until then, put gauze between the toes. (Not necessary for this infected spot) And so it goes. Call the Dr in the morning.

We loved having the Miller's with us yesterday. We shared food, cake'n ice cream, Zoey's presence. A good time was had by all. Maybe we'll see them in September. (Maybe that's it. One never knows...)

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