April Showers bring Mayflowers, pilgrims, ducks in the pool, and such... The Eastern Coast is famous for its humidity and so we have it hanging in the air, by the buckets, in the droplets and flowing across the roadways and down the rain spouts splashing into the yard.
OUTSIDE: The fragrance of the valley is changing to rain fresh (from Tracy's flowery, violet-lavender scented, (or as some would call it: PEZ) fresh mountain air.
The dandelions have thrown off their white halos in favor of their progeny and, I fear, we will see many golden dots among the green when the grass is finally cut - looks like after next Wednesday at this time...
We, the inhabitants of this country estate, have feasted upon steak and gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans and corn along with the plethora of deserts from which to choose - courtesy of the Wilsonburg Lions and their mates who cook to raise funds for the blind... I didn't know a single person there by name at the school this time. Nobody tried to sell me a raffle ticket or a fifty-fifty. Times have changed.
When I go, I'll leave no imprint. Just like everyone else.
Got to get to the bills and the grades.
Hope you are all well.
Sorry, you don't get off that easily. When you go, you will have left an imprint on a lucky few of us. And we will, without even knowing it, pass it on to our daughters, who will pass it on to their daughters or sons. It's how the Great Chain works. If you get tired of treading water, just relax and float for a while. I love you!