Nothing is so boring as checking the blog-O-sphere only to find old and mouldy posts. Thank you, Amanda, for your butter brightener. And Tracy for your cuddle-bug reflection. And Keith for your "Eh!" or was that "Eh?"...
The sun has gone (thank God - from the school teachers...kids are slowing down like the little reptilians they really are) behind the clouds; the rain has pushed the snowy dandelions way up above the grass's last cutting; and, the temperature has become a tad bit more bearable.
BREAKING NEWS -- Announcement: Joey is coming to WV in June - over the weekend of the 5th-7th. Make an appointment with the circus master to get your ring-side seat on Saturday. We are keeping his where-a-bouts secret until all the tickets have been snapped up. No free viewing or chance encounters... he is a COLUMBIA man, ya know. Ivy league and we are proud of it.
I know where that picture was taken! :-)