Another Saturday night with Mark Harmon.
More to the point: Jethro Gibbs has become a family member. I know more about his life and times that I know about my own relatives who live in distant cities.
NCIS - I love you!
Professional note: My friend and fellow teacher, Lyn (who always remembers me at Christmas with homemade jelly), was air-flighted to Ruby today from Grafton. She has been battling diabetes - its amputations and infections.
She's married to Bill, mother to daughter Amanda and to son, Christopher, and a grandmother to two. She's a WVU fan - never missed a Gator Bowl experience in all the years I've known her. She's an English teacher, a Russian language proficient, fluent in special education strategies, parental involvement activities, a grant writer extraordinaire, and a real class act.
She loves her students and worries about them and their work (even, and especially when, she's in the hospital) - always thinking about the job, how to expand it and how to reach her kids.
She had a seizure - probably from the antibiotics she had to have recently. She told me she had to have another PICK line this last time and they didn't take it out.
Hang on, Lyn. You've got to get better - the trip to DC is coming soon...
I can't imagine taking kids to the Holocaust Museum without her.