Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Let It Snow! February 4, 2009 [Wednesday night]

Gentle Readers: The time is 11 pm. The snow is piling up like Ivory flakes all over Sun Valley. School in Harrison, Mon and Taylor counties is already on a 2 hour delay. But, I felt I must sweep the snow off the patio and attempt to sweep it off the driveway... It's 20 degrees out there... The moon is nowhere to be seen. The cinder trucks have already passed along the road to where ever... and it's only 11 o'clock.

Augh, I still have to get up at 5am to get ready for school and take care of business here. and it's 11:09 pm. It's a good thing I got that pain med RX filled. Don't you wish you could be here to play in the snow?


  1. We certainly do wish we could be there to play in the snow! Maybe if they cancel school Delia and I will come down! She has been seriously hankering for some sled riding and hot chocolate drinking.

  2. That picture cracks me up, mainly because I remember digging that car out of that particular snow pile. It was like being a dwarf, or the dude from the song where he loads 16 tons of number nine coal.
